How to repair a molar broken by decay ?

Comment réparer une molaire cassée par la carie ? - Y-Brush

Breaking a tooth is an unpleasant experience and can bring many embarrassments. However, few people know that this type of accident happens more often than you think. Whatever the cause, a broken tooth can be repaired and the best thing to do in this situation is to seek a dentist. To clear your doubts about this very delicate subject, we are going to present you the alternatives to solve it effectively.

Here is a guide that will help you understand how to repair a molar broken by decay.

Having a cavity on a molar: what is it?

It is important to know that molars are the teeth most affected by tooth decays because they are the most difficult to clean. In case you have a cavity very often in this area, you should check several things:

  • That your toothbrush is adapted to the size of your jaw. Indeed, if it is too big, you will have difficulty in cleaning your molars correctly.
  • Avoid nibbling. Indeed, it is very harmful for your teeth. It is important not to develop bad habits because plaque leads to the development of cavities. 

When the second molar is decayed and one of your wisdom teeth is stuck too close, it is difficult to treat the decay properly. The wisdom tooth must be extracted in order to treat the decayed molar. 

You can brush your teeth with a Y-Brush toothbrush. It is a toothbrush that removes 15% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush so you are less likely to get cavities again.     

Causes of molar fracture

There are several situations that can lead to a dental fracture, especially during childhood and adolescence, given the risk of accidents or falls during play. In adults, the most recurrent situation is fracture due to contact sports, such as martial arts.

In addition to these cases, there are other situations where breakage can occur, such as:

  • Misplaced teeth in the dental arch;
  • The loss of one or more teeth, resulting in a heavier load for the others;
  • Bruxism: the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth;
  • Contact between teeth whose force is not absorbed;
  • Cavities
  • Among these causes, the most common is tooth decay, because there are many patients who cannot see it until the tooth is already compromised.

Ways to prevent tooth decay

Good oral hygiene is the key to avoiding the deposition of dental plaque that promotes cavities. Certain rules must be respected:

  • Diet low in sugar, avoiding snacking between meals.
  • Regular toothbrushing of the teeth as soon as possible (from the age of six to eight months)
  • Toothbrushing is done after each meal for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste and a soft brush.
  • Flossing every night for older children and adults.
  • See the dentist at least once a year for a diagnosis and cleaning.
  • Provide fluoride to children to protect enamel with fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash.
  • Do not smoke, as smoking promotes poor oral health

The different ways of treating broken teeth

In case of a broken tooth, it is essential that you seek a dentist as soon as possible so that the situation does not get worse. The important thing is to act quickly and remain calm, after all, broken teeth can be repaired! Discover the main methods used in these cases.

  • Tooth polishing

This is the simple solution for cases with light damage, where the patient has lost only a small fragment of the tooth. In this treatment, the tooth is worn down, sharp edges are removed and the tooth is restored to its original shape. This procedure results in a smooth surface that ensures the comfort and normal capabilities of your dental system. The polishing session ends with a rotating rubber wheel coated with a paste to remove any remaining stains and roughness.

  • Restoration of the broken molar

The restoration is performed on small and medium-sized fractures. It is nothing more than a filling, which consists of filling the broken part with resin or silver amalgam, allowing the tooth to regain its original shape. Of the various restoration methods, one is performed directly in the office in a few sessions. The other requires the laboratory cast prosthesis, requires more steps in the treatment, so there is a longer window of time for it to be completed.

  • Placement of the crown

When the fracture reaches the upper part of the tooth, the procedure is performed using laminated porcelain veneers - better known as simple crowns - that replicate the original shape and function of the tooth.

It should be remembered that when the inside of the tooth is exposed, the patient tends to experience a lot of pain. In addition, it is necessary to treat the root canal during the treatment and then finish it with the crown.

  • Tooth extraction and denture implant

In rare cases, a fracture of the tooth root can occur. In these cases, the patient may hear the sound of the fracture and feel pain in the tooth and in the area of the ligaments that hold the tooth in the bone.

Especially in children, who still have baby teeth, a broken molar due to dental caries can not only cause other problems in the mouth, but also completely affect the aesthetics of the teeth. Appropriate care should therefore be taken immediately, and the best solution is to consult a dental surgeon, who will give his opinion after diagnosis.

There are products on the market adapted for the care of this type of problems in the mouth at good prices, but the solution will be through good oral hygiene.

A molar can also break following an impact. If you notice that you have a broken molar, avoid chewing and seek a dentist urgently. He or she will take an x-ray for diagnosis and, if the root fracture is found, the most common procedure is to remove the tooth and replace it with a prosthesis, which is the procedure called a dental implant.

We hope that this guide has helped you understand what a tooth decay on a molar is, but also the main causes and the proposed treatments to solve this oral problem as soon as possible.


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