All about organic toothpaste for kids ?

Tout savoir sur le dentifrice bio pour les enfants ? - Y-Brush

Toothpaste is a product used on a daily basis. It allows you to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid tooth decays by offering protection against them and gum inflammation. Nevertheless, classic toothpastes contain elements that can impact your health. This is why organic toothpastes are recommended, especially for children. Find out more about these toothpastes here.                  

Here is a guide to everything you need to know about organic toothpaste for kids.   

Organic toothpaste: What is it? 

Organic toothpaste in tablet or gel form is a zero waste toothpaste for children, babies or adults. It has a BDIH, Cosmébio or Ecocert certified label that guarantees compliance with the usual organic cosmetics criteria. It generally contains 95% or more of ingredients of organic or vegetable origin. It has a formula without chemical preservatives. It is therefore a good product for oral care.

The composition of organic toothpastes

  • These organic toothpastes are mainly composed of ingredients from organic farming. The components whose toxicity is proven are automatically removed from the list of authorized assets. In addition, unlike synthetic toothpastes, organic toothpastes do not contain colorants, artificial foaming agents, synthetic flavors or chemical preservatives.

    On the label of organic toothpastes, an INCI list indicates each component of the product according to its level of concentration. There are many active ingredients: plant extracts, essential oils, natural flavors, natural sweeteners, mineral salts, sea salt.

    The extracts of plants

  • Thyme: it helps to prevent inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • Lemon balm: it helps to alleviate dental pain.
  • White tea: it protects you against the formation of cavities and helps to fight against dental plaque

Essential oils

  • Lemon essential oil: it helps fight against breath problems, dry mouth and whitens teeth.
  • Tea tree essential oil: it allows to fight against dental plaque.
  • Peppermint essential oil: it is known for its analgesic, anesthetic and disinfectant properties.

Natural flavors

  • Natural strawberry flavor: it helps protect teeth and gums from tooth decay.
  • Natural mint flavor: it brings you a feeling of freshness throughout the day.
  • Natural eucalyptus flavor: it strengthens the enamel of your teeth and protects it from dental plaque.

Mineral salts

They help to reduce the formation of dental plaque on sensitive and fragile gums.

Why choose organic toothpaste for children?

There are several reasons why you should choose organic toothpaste.

Organic toothpaste respects your health and contains effective components

Choosing organic toothpaste means avoiding toxic and undesirable substances in the first place. Organic toothpastes clean teeth properly, remove plaque and prevent cavities. They contain essential oils to replace antibacterials.

You have specific active ingredients like sage that will help sensitive gums, activated charcoal to get white teeth. The organic toothpaste also contains lemon which can eliminate stains and fight against tartar. You also have the sea salts, the trace elements which allow to tone up and strengthen the gums. Unlike conventional toothpastes, it has no thickening agent, foaming or artificial flavors.

Organic toothpastes are certified

Various certifications exist for organic toothpastes. A control is carried out at the manufacturer by an independent organization before the toothpaste is certified organic. This control is made on the basis of several criteria. These are the raw materials used, the manufacturing process, the labeling and the packaging of the product.

Speaking of the main certifications of organic and natural cosmetics, you have the Ecocert label. The latter requires at least 95 of the plant ingredients from agriculture and 10 of organic ingredients at least. The Cosmos Organic standard requires 95 natural ingredients and 20 organic ingredients on the whole product. The Nature et Progrès label requires 100 ingredients from organic farming.

Organic toothpastes have a particular taste

Organic toothpastes are not different from the classic ones only in appearance and texture, the taste is included. At first it might be confusing, but with time you will get used to it. They contain organic lemon essential oil for a fresh feeling while brushing. Some organic children's toothpastes leave a fruity taste and look appetizing because of these 100 natural flavors. Organic toothpaste has a pleasant smell and taste.

What toxic substances are not in organic toothpaste ?

Conventional toothpastes contain toxic substances that can be harmful to your health. They can have an undesirable effect on the body and are likely to create many pathologies. Among these substances you have fluoride, Triclosan, titanium dioxide, petrochemical derivatives and endocrine disruptors. They are not present in organic toothpastes.


This is the element most present in toothpastes. It helps to maintain a protective barrier against cavities. Nevertheless, it is an ingredient that many people are beginning to be wary of, even in some dental practices. Indeed, the overdose of fluorine could create the appearance of dental bone diseases. According to some studies, it can also cause a decrease in performance. The level of fluoride should be monitored, especially in children. To be on the safe side, you should use organic toothpastes since they do not contain fluoride.


Triclosan is one of the chemical components most commonly found in conventional toothpastes. Inserm considers this great bactericide as a very worrying endocrine disruptor. It increases behavioral problems in young children. It has a bad impact on the evolution of the fetal brain during prenatal exposure.

Titanium dioxide

A study conducted by the association Agir pour l'environnement shows that the majority of toothpastes sold in France contain titanium dioxide. Even if the additive E171 has been eliminated from foodstuffs since 2020, it is still accepted in cosmetics. Nevertheless, recommendations and calls for vigilance on titanium dioxide have been issued by the ANSES (National Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety).

Petrochemical derivatives

Many toothpastes that you can find in supermarkets contain petrochemical derivatives. On the list of unwanted active ingredients, you can find synthetic sweeteners, polymers or alcoholic mineral oils. Organic toothpastes with a natural composition do not contain substances from the petrochemical industry like traditional toothpastes. These products are not only dangerous for your health, but also have an environmental impact.

Endocrine disruptors

Triclosan is not the only endocrine disruptor found in traditional toothpastes. Propylparaben or propyl paraoxybenzoate are also on the list of risky ingredients. Toothpaste designers are allowed to use a small amount of sodium propylparaben. They may also use ingredients with antifungal and antibacterial properties in their products. These products have the potential for endocrine disruption.  

The organic fluoride-free toothpaste your child can use is Y-Brush toothpaste. It is a toothpaste tablet's box that reduces acid attack, acts against bacteria, fights plaque and gives your child's mouth a fresh breath.  

The right solution: make your own organic toothpaste

Organic toothpaste generally contains an abrasive, an antibacterial and a detergent to be as effective as possible.

An abrasive

The abrasive allows you to remove dental plaque present on your teeth. 

Here is the list of the different abrasives found in organic toothpastes:

  • calcium carbonate or Meudon white 
  • white or green clay powder
  • bicarbonate of soda with a very salty taste

An antibacterial agent

It fights against the development of dental plaque and also helps to preserve your toothpaste.

Here is the list of antibacterial ingredients found in organic toothpastes: 

  • cinnamon, ginger or peppermint powder according to your taste;
  • Various essential oils: peppermint, cinnamon, lemon, tea tree, clove, thyme, sage...

A detergent

The detergent allows to eliminate the greasy substances stuck to the teeth and makes the toothpaste foam. Powdered Marseille soap (in quantities too small to have an unpleasant taste). This is the usual detergent for homemade toothpaste.

The recipe for organic home-made toothpaste

You can prepare a powdered toothpaste based on calcium carbonate that will be safe for your tooth enamel.

Here is the recipe for organic homemade toothpaste:

  • Grind a small amount of organic Marseille soap shavings in a mortar and place in a bowl 
  • Do the same with some dried peppermint leaves
  • Weigh all the ingredients with a scale and add them to your toothpaste jar: 30 g of calcium carbonate, 5 g of peppermint powder, 3 drops of peppermint essential oil, 1 g of Marseille soap powder, 1 to 3 g of fine sea salt (optional, to strengthen the gums), Close the jar and shake to mix the ingredients well

How much toothpaste to put on his toothbrush?

 Before the age of one, it is advised for your child to put a trace of toothpaste on his toothbrush, then a small pea. It is also important to make sure that the child spits out the excess toothpaste without rinsing his mouth after brushing. To increase the effect of the toothpaste, especially if it contains fluoride, keep it in the mouth for a few moments before rinsing. 

We hope this guide has helped you understand what organic toothpaste is. We also hope that you have understood what it consists of. They have many advantages over industrial toothpastes. In addition, all the toxic substances in commercial toothpaste are not present in organic toothpaste.  


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