Anti-tartar toothpaste : Which ones to choose?

Dentifrice anti-tartre : Lesquels choisir ? - Y-Brush

If you have bad breath even though brushing your teeth after each meal is a habit, it may be due to tartar formation. An anti-tartar toothpaste will be necessary to freshen your breath and keep your teeth healthy. To remove tartar, remove plaque and remedy all dental problems, your toothpaste must be carefully selected. Protect tooth enamel and gums from tooth sensitivity and get whiter teeth by selecting the right toothpaste for you.

Here's a guide on which anti-tartar toothpastes you can choose to maintain good oral health.

But what is tartar ?

Tartar is a kind of complication of the dental plaque, due to a mineralization and a calcification of this one. It is deposited on the necks of the teeth or under the gums, or both. In general, except in extreme cases, tartar only appears on the non-visible side of the teeth, especially on the lower incisors. It is essentially formed by calcium and magnesium crystals from the salivary glands. It is the close proximity to the tongue and the submandibular gland that makes the internal incisors the most affected by tartar.

You will note that there are 2 kinds of tartar:

1.Supragingival calculus, which is whitish and visible to the naked eye.
2.Sub-gingival tartar. This one is dark brown and is hidden by the gum.

How is tartar treated ?

At the dentist's office, with a scaling session. However, it can be prevented or slowed down by using anti-tartar toothpaste. Note that if you don't act quickly, tartar that is too advanced can cause gingivitis and tooth decay. In principle, it is advisable to carry out a scaling every year in order to maintain good oral hygiene. Of course, you will continue to brush your teeth 2 to 3 times a day, selecting your toothpaste carefully. Anti-tartar toothpaste can eliminate the formation of plaque so that it does not turn into tartar. Also consider a regular mouthwash with sesame oil or coconut oil. This solution is highly recommended by traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine and is very effective against dental plaque.

Choosing the right toothpaste for good oral hygiene 

Brushing your teeth is the basis of oral health. If, despite daily brushing, your oral cavity is acting up, you need dental hygiene products specifically designed to fight plaque. For this, adopt the anti-tartar toothpaste. Brushing your teeth with the best toothpaste containing effective ingredients will remove white stains from your teeth. Moreover, you will avoid demineralization of your teeth or inflammation of gums. You can protect your teeth and avoid plaque formation by adopting a natural anti-tartar toothpaste of the most effective.  

You need to brush your teeth with an effective toothbrush that allows for full brushing of the upper and lower teeth to avoid tartar and plaque. The Y-Brush toothbrush is part of this type of toothbrush.  

The main ingredients of an anti-tartar toothpaste

The anti-tartar toothpaste allows to get rid of yellow stains on the teeth. This is a property that can be found on the packaging of toothpastes. However, it is important to make sure that the product has the most effective ingredients to keep your teeth healthy. There are many ingredients in anti-tartar toothpaste that are effective in combating the yellowing deposit on your teeth. 

Here are the main ingredients of an anti-tartar toothpaste :

  • Sodium hexa metaphosphate : it prevents tartar from depositing on your teeth
  • Potassium and sodium pyrophosphates : control tartar by removing calcium and magnesium from saliva.
  • Zinc (lacte and/or citrate) : it eliminates bacteria from the oral area, tartar and protects your gums.

The main characteristics of the Anti-Tartar Toothpaste

The main role of the anti-tartar toothpaste is: the prevention and the elimination of the dental plaque on the teeth. However, it also has other characteristics that are important to know:

  • Whitening properties : it can make your teeth much whiter than a conventional toothpaste. Especially if you smoke or drink tea often.
  • The presence of fluorine : Fluorine fights and prevents the formation of cavities. A toothpaste with a fluoride content of 100 mg/100 g promises a good result.
  • Taste : There are many flavors available: you can choose a minty or fruity toothpaste for example. The quality will not depend on the taste.

The different types of anti-tartar toothpaste

Signal Intégral 8 Complete toothpaste

It is a toothpaste sold at the price of 4.78 euros on the Amazon website. It is a complete toothpaste care which contains Zinc Mineral of natural origin to allow an effective result in softness. This toothpaste offers a better protection than a classic toothpaste thanks to its antibacterial formula which offers you up to 18 hours of protection.

Countertop Anti-Tartar Toothpaste

It is a toothpaste sold at the price of 8.65 euros on the official site. It is certified organic anti-tartar protection with manuka honey IAA15+. It has been formulated to clean effectively and promote the elimination of dental plaque. It has sanitizing and soothing properties of organic French propolis, essential oil of Manuka and sodium bicarbonate

Toothpaste in tube Y-Brush

It is a toothpaste sold at 7.99 euros on the site of Y-Brush. Thanks to its 100% natural mint aroma, it will guarantee you an ideal sensation of freshness after each brushing. Its fluoride content allows to reinforce effectively the dental enamel, to fight against the formation of cavities, to fight against the dental plaque and to act against the bacteria. It is suitable for sensitive gums.

Clean teeth for iron dental health

Following your dental hygienist's advice on mouth care is highly recommended for good dental hygiene. For example, use mouthwash for bad breath and make regular visits to the dentist for sensitive teeth. Toothpastes are essential to fight effectively against cavities and hypersensitivity.

Generally speaking, do you have sensitive gums and are prone to bleeding or risks of periodontal disease? Use a quality organic anti-tartar toothpaste, which will save your life and make all the difference against acid attacks. Also remember to have frequent scaling at your dentist's office. For healthy teeth, regular dental care and annual scaling will be necessary.

Protect your tooth enamel to avoid periodontal disease

Plaque and tartar are not only unpleasant to look at and smell. They are also very harmful to your health. This is why it is necessary to choose your dental products, such as antiseptic mouthwash or anti-tartar toothpaste, carefully. Consider adopting a complete dental kit that prevents tartar from forming on dental surfaces. Cleaning your teeth will give you an unparalleled feeling of freshness and at the same time prevent cavities.

We hope that this guide has helped you to understand how anti-tartar toothpaste is the most effective in fighting plaque, which is the cause of tartar and oral diseases. All this information will help you to select the best Anti-Tartar toothpaste for you


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