Toothpaste : with or without foam ?

Dentifrice : avec ou sans mousse ? - Y-Brush

Dental plaque is the primary cause of caries, and if it is not removed, it hardens to create tartar, an ideal environment for bacteria growth. The best way to remove plaque is to brush your teeth. You know it, this minty, fresh, unique sensation. Finally, more precisely, this feeling that we appreciate so much comes from the foam of the toothpaste. It's easy to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush that works great for 6 months. The Y-Brush toothbrush is one of these toothbrushes, so why not give it a try?   


After finding the right toothbrush is one thing. However, you need to have an answer to your questions: is foam essential for a proper tooth brushing? Gadget or necessary? Let's see it now!


First of all, why do we use toothpaste? There are many studies trying to show its effectiveness or not, but isn't toothpaste there to provide us with this unique fresh breath sensation? From both the felt and the social point of view, toothpaste knows how to impose itself as a must-have.        


If foam is an element present in all toothpastes, even new solid toothpastes, it is because it plays an essential role: it allows the various cleaning elements to be distributed throughout the mouth, even between the teeth. This cleaning action removes plaque and other waste from the mouth. In addition, the foam also plays a psychological role since if it is absent, the feeling of having clean teeth is less present.

Otherwise, all toothpastes are suitable for the Y-Brush, we even provide you with a special mouthpiece for your toothpastes in order to put the right quantity and avoid waste! We offer you to save your time in the morning without depriving yourself of the pleasure of brushing your teeth thanks to our Y-Brush which will brush your teeth effectively in only 10 seconds! Earn 10€ on your next order with the code "FRESH". 

To go further....


Toothpaste is not a new innovation, quite the contrary! There is evidence that it was already used in ancient Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs. They used powdered stone which they mixed with vinegar to make a paste. This is a far cry from strawberry or mint flavouring! Of course, toothpaste has come a long way since then and is now easier to use - and tastes better too!


Modern toothpastes need to clean teeth effectively without damaging enamel. They therefore contain several elements: abrasive to help remove plaque, preservatives to prevent the growth of bacteria, texture to help the toothpaste stay on the toothbrush and finally, the foam to touch up plaque, waste and bacteria stuck on the teeth. 
Toothpastes tablets are most often fluoride-free and based on naturally occurring ingredients.They polish the teeth and prevent potential plaque deposits, stains and bacteria. 

Why not try toothpastes tablets which are much more convenient to use. You won't have to buy toothpaste every week.       



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