Does periodontitis fatigue?

Est-ce-que la parodontite fatigue ? - Y-Brush

Periodontitis is one of the pathologies that can appear in the mouth. It is often painful and causes swelling and bad breath. This disease tends to damage the gums and teeth. It is of course possible that it is a source of fatigue. Here are some details about this disease.

Here is a guide to help you understand if periodontitis is causing fatigue

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontium that is caused by the appearance of bacteria on the gums and teeth. It is an oral disease that makes the tooth structure less solid and destroys the alveolar bone around it. It can affect one tooth or your entire mouth. When periodontitis is not treated quickly, it can lead to the total destruction of the teeth.

Indeed, the bacteria present on the teeth create a multiplication of bacterial plaque. It is a disease which can be at the origin of the inflammation of the gum. This is when we talk about gingivitis. Poor dental hygiene can therefore cause diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis.

What are the causes and symptoms of periodontitis?

Periodontitis manifests itself in different ways and has various causes.

The causes of periodontitis

Periodontitis is caused by the presence of certain bacteria in the mouth. This appearance could be due to bad oral hygiene, hormonal changes, age and diseases. Poorly treated or untreated gingivitis can cause periodontitis. Certain medications and dental prostheses can also cause inflammation of the gums.

Smoking is also a factor that contributes to the development of this disease. Pregnant women can quickly get this infection because hormonal changes contribute to the appearance of dental plaques.

The symptoms of periodontitis

It manifests itself by gum recession and the appearance of pockets between the teeth and gums. When the infection reaches the gum margin, it can lead to tooth loss. It can also cause destruction of ligaments, tissues and bones in the mouth.

Signs of periodontitis include gum recession, misalignment of teeth, and persistent bad breath. You may also experience pain when chewing food and the presence of sores. Periodontitis can of course cause fatigue.

How to treat periodontitis ?

When gingivitis progresses and turns into periodontitis, its treatment becomes difficult. Several options are possible to neutralize this infection.

Scaling and root planing

This is an operation that must be performed by your dental surgeon. During this procedure, your dentist must remove the tartar on the top and bottom of the teeth. Then, he or she will polish the roughness on the roots of the tooth. This will reduce bacteria and tartar.


Grafting is necessary for very severe cases of periodontitis. It is performed when the tissue and bone have been completely destroyed. It is an intervention that requires a technique called guided tissue regeneration. It consists of introducing a small piece of membrane between the gum and the jawbone.

Flap surgery

Your dentist may recommend flap surgery. It is necessary when the inflammation of the gums does not stop after a deep cleaning of the teeth. It is a very common surgery to treat periodontitis.

Doxycycline gel

This is a gel that contains the antibiotic doxycycline. It treats all periodontal diseases and destroys the bacteria. This gel also reduces the pockets that these diseases can produce. You can use this antibiotic regularly for at least one week. 

How to prevent periodontitis ? 

To avoid this disease, you should have a good oral hygiene and make preventive care. Thus, you should first choose toothpastes that protect you against periodontal disease. There are toothpastes that neutralize the multiplication of bacteria in the dental plaque. When you use them daily, you stop the symptoms of gum disease. 

is also effective against tooth sensitivity. You should also choose a soft toothbrush that will not weaken your teeth. Flossing is also an excellent tool to maintain dental hygiene and avoid certain diseases. You should get into the habit of brushing for at least two minutes and three times a day. 

Diet is also an important point to follow to avoid gum disease. You should avoid foods that are too sweet, too hot or too cold. It is also necessary to carry out a scaling and a regular follow-up with your dentist.

You can use Y-Brush toothpaste to prevent periodontitis. It is a toothpaste that removes a good part of the plaque on your teeth to allow you to have healthy teeth. 

We hope this guide has helped you understand what periodontitis is. It is important to know the causes and symptoms of periodontitis to understand how to manage this oral problem. You should also understand how to prevent periodontitis. 


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