All about the use of mouthwash

Tout savoir sur l'utilisation du bain de bouche - Y-Brush

If you are here, it is because you do not know whether you should use a mouthwash or not. You need to have a lot of essential information about its main characteristics, its uses and its main contraindications. All this information should allow you to consider using one and for how long.

Here is a guide that will allow you to know everything about the use of mouthwash.

What is a mouthwash ?

It is an antiseptic and disinfectant liquid. It optimizes tooth brushing and perfectly complements the action of toothpaste. Rinsing the teeth after the mouthwash allows to eliminate fluorine, remineralizing agents and antiseptics. It allows to reach the most difficult areas to access with the toothbrush, the dental floss or the interdental brushes. It is mainly intended for people who suffer from particular problems with their teeth or gums but also for people with bad breath.

You must use a mouthwash if you are in the following situation:

  • Brushing your teeth : it is possible that you are not brushing well with your toothbrush
  • Wearing orthodontic appliances : retainer wire, braces, etc.
  • Taking certain medications : Antidepressants cause a decrease in your saliva.
  • Bad eating habits : high consumption of sodas and acidic foods.  

In addition to your mouthwash, you can use the Y-Brush toothbrush. It is a toothbrush with bristles inclined at 45° on the walls to allow you a brushing without attacking your gums and your gum line. It is thus particularly adapted to the sensitive gums of the users of mouthwash.

The benefits of mouthwash

Mouthwash has a number of virtues depending on its composition and the use you have to make of it. You must select it according to your oral problem: mouth ulcers, gingivitis or bad breath. These benefits concern both the care of your teeth and your oral health.

Here are all the reasons why using a mouthwash is recommended :

  • An optimal protection against dental cavities : it eliminates the bacteria responsible for the appearance of cavities and strengthens the teeth to protect them from dental plaque.
  • A shield against the bad breath : it has a cleansing capacity and optimizes the oral cleaning to give you a fresh breath.
  • A soothing of the gingivitis : it makes it possible to tone up the gums and thus to slow down the formation of the dental plaque. It thus improves the aspect of the swollen gums after several weeks of use.
  • The treatment of the aphthae : it makes it possible to relieve the pain and the ignition and to ensure a fast cure. It contains an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent and a local anesthetic.
  • Teeth whitening : A hydrogen peroxide bath diluted with at least 50% water can help whiten your teeth. It removes plaque and tartar. 

The different types of mouthwash

1) Chlorhexidine mouthwash

Chlorhexidine mouthwash
is a mouthwash with antibacterial properties that your dentist may prescribe if you have gum disease or if you are undergoing certain dental procedures. It eliminates all the bacteria that prevent you from maintaining a healthy mouth after brushing your teeth.

2) Betadine mouthwash

Betadine mouthwash
is an antiseptic solution for mouthwash and gargle. It is a medicine indicated in the treatment of infections of the oral cavity and postoperative care in stomatology. The active ingredient of this mouthwash is polyvidone iodine, which helps to reduce plaque on your teeth.

3) Mouthwash for toothache

Mouthwash for toothache
is a mouthwash that helps to reduce your toothache. It is a good temporary solution that prevents the aggravation of this dental problem. One of the best known is the salt water mouthwash, it relieves perfectly the painful teeth and swollen gums. It helps to reduce your dental sensitivity as much as possible.

The use of a mouthwash

Here are the different steps to use a mouthwash :

1) Start with a good brushing and rinsing of the teeth

Good oral hygiene depends on good brushing of your teeth. It is therefore essential to perform an optimal brushing of your teeth by brushing all sides of your teeth and to use the rinse product afterwards. You must be careful not to use toothpastes that interfere with antiseptics like chlorhexidine. Therefore, you should use toothpastes with the same components as the mouthwash. In addition, you should not consume any food or beverages for half an hour after rinsing so that the mouthwash is more effective afterwards.

2) Use the right amount of mouthwash

In order to make the best use of the mouthwash, you should only use the amount of mouthwash indicated in the product's instructions. This is usually 10 to 15 ml of solution that you should put in your measuring cup. It is particularly recommended not to dilute mouthwash with water in most cases. This greatly affects the effectiveness of the mouthwash. However, sometimes there is an indication in the instructions for use that allows it. In this case, you can do it without any risk.

3) Rinse your mouth well

It is important to keep in mind that one of the prerequisites to do this in the best possible way is to shake the product well for a good length of time so that it can act properly inside your mouth. The vast majority of mouthwashes work best if you keep it in your mouth for 30 seconds to a minute. It is important that the liquid goes into every corner of your mouth for a better effect. Finally, it is important not to swallow the liquid in the mouthwash as it was not designed to be swallowed.

4) Pay attention to the frequency of use

It is recommended to use it 2 or 3 times a day after brushing your teeth, to get effective results.

Depending on the type of rinse you use, the method of use may vary, as well as the duration of use. Indeed, there are mouthwashes that can be used daily as part of your oral hygiene and others that are more therapeutic and can only be used for a certain time.

The main dangers of a mouthwash

1) It is bad for the heart

Mouthwash allows you to eliminate all kinds of bacteria. But it is important to use them in moderation because they increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by killing the good bacteria that protect our blood pressure. These are most often the ones that are needed to create the nitrites that are essential for the proper dilation of the vessels.

2) It leads to an imbalance of the oral flora

Therapeutic mouthwash is prescribed by a dentist for a very limited time. In most cases, you should not continue the treatment beyond two weeks without medical advice from your dentist. Indeed, its prolonged use very often leads to a very strong destabilization of the oral flora.

3) It causes mouth cancer

A large majority of mouthwash brands contain alcohol and their frequent use could increase the risk of mouth cancer. These are dangerous mouthwashes. According to studies, using mouthwash more than 3 times a day is linked to a 3-fold increased risk of upper aerodigestive tract cancer.

We hope this guide has helped you understand that mouthwash was made to be used in specific situations. It is therefore important to understand all the benefits it has when you have a certain oral disease. It is also important that you understand all the dangers of mouthwash that can be related to the misuse of this product.


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