How to remove a dry tooth decay ?

Comment éliminer une carie sèche ? - Y-Brush

Dry tooth decay is a stage of tooth decay where the disease becomes discreet. Most people tend to neglect it even though it is a serious infection that can have enormous consequences. How to eliminate dry tooth decay? Here is everything you need to know about this tooth problem.

Here is a guide to help you understand how to remove dry tooth decay.

The different degrees of dry tooth decays

There are different degrees of dry tooth decays. It is important that you identify which degree corresponds to what you are feeling.

Here are the different degrees of dry tooth decays :

First degree caries:
corresponds to the caries of the enamel. It is insensitive, manifests itself as a simple black spot and requires only a careful resection followed by a meticulous polishing of the diseased part. First degree caries is the most frequent and yet it almost always goes unnoticed.

Second degree caries:
corresponds to the caries of the ivory, without alteration of the pulp. It is all the more sensitive as it is deeper. Its treatment consists in disinfecting the cavity of the caries with pure phenic acid, in cauterizing its walls with red iron, if necessary, and in resecting them. In most cases, the cavity is then filled directly with a dental cement or putty.

The third degree of decay:
it is the degree of decay corresponds to the denudation and the alteration of the pulp. During the treatment of a second degree caries, it can happen that the last lamellae of the ivory are removed and that the pulp comes to bleed.

The fourth degree of decay:
corresponds to the death of the dental nerve and the infection of the dental canals, resulting from the gangrene of the nerve itself or from the presence of fermented food debris inside the tooth. The odor of the teeth thus altered is unbearable. The first care of the dentist is then to disinfect all the cavities of the tooth, the treatment of the fourth degree caries is sometimes very long.

What is a dry tooth decay ?

A tooth decay is an infection of the tooth that forms a cavity by destroying the enamel and dentin. It is probably the dental problem that affects the most people in the world. It appears following an accumulation of bacterial plaque on the teeth. This causes an acid attack thanks to the food debris stuck in the various interdental spaces. The development of a dental caries is favored by a bad oral hygiene. Its progression generally leads to the total destruction of the tooth. 

We talk about dry caries when the dental caries reaches a stage where it stops growing. That is to say that it arrives at a phase of evolution where its progression stops, for an indefinite time. Dry caries does not affect the vital parts of the tooth, because the tooth starts its self-defense and restoration mechanism. This type of decay can last for years without really being felt.

What causes dry tooth decay?

Dry tooth decays are the result of poor oral hygiene. When your cleaning routine is not effective enough, plaque builds up and causes tooth decays. Similarly, poor eating habits can lead to cavities. Excessive consumption of sugar, coffee, alcohol, drugs or medication can lead to cavities.

Furthermore, when you lack saliva, your oral cavity is more exposed to the risk of dry cavities. It is important to know that saliva contains healthy bacteria that are useful for your dental health. A deficiency of these could create an imbalance of harmful bacteria and thus an environment conducive to the formation of tooth decay. Finally, a lack of fluoride can also lead to the appearance of this problem. This chemical element fights tooth decay very effectively and that is why it is found in many toothpastes.

What should I do if I get dry tooth decay?

Normally, dry tooth decay is not very dangerous because your tooth tries to fight it naturally. However, it's never easy to tell if you have this type of tooth decay. What you should do when you see this disease appear is to go to the dentist. Only he or she will be able to tell you how to get rid of the problem. Although it is often harmless, dry tooth decay is still a dental disease and it can be more resistant than expected. If you neglect the condition without telling your doctor, you may regret it later.

After analyzing your cavity, dry or not, the dentist will proceed with a remineralization or restorative treatment depending on the nature of the problem. Only the dentist can prescribe the necessary medication to treat the problem. 

How to prevent dry tooth decay?

A dry cavity can manifest itself as bad breath and can reoccur at any time and cause pain. To avoid it, prevention remains your best weapon. Here's how to prevent dry tooth decay

Improve tooth brushing

Brushing your teeth is probably the most important thing you can do to prevent dry cavities. Brushing should be done twice a day in a circular motion, starting with the upper teeth. Take your time on each tooth and make sure that the bristles of your brush are soft enough.

Practice mouthwash

Brushing your teeth only removes some of the germs on your teeth. Mouthwash is a gesture that completes the action of the brush for a more optimal cleaning. It allows you to sweep the entire oral cavity to get fresh breath and healthy gums.

Have good eating habits

To reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, reduce your sugar intake. Sugar causes a lot of harm to your teeth because it feeds the bacteria present and encourages them to multiply. Also, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs should be banned.

See your dentist regularly

Regular visits to the dentist will make it easier for you to spot problems facing your teeth. This will allow you to act more quickly to prevent the appearance of any dry tooth decays.  

To improve your tooth brushing, we recommend using the Y-Brush toothbrush. It is a toothbrush that removes 15% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush, which helps prevent tooth decay. 

We hope this guide has helped you understand the different degrees of tooth decay and what dry tooth decay is. We also hope that you have understood the causes of dry tooth decay. We also hope you understand what to do if you have dry tooth decay and how to prevent it.


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