Sugar sensitive teeth without tooth decays

Dents sensibles au sucre sans caries - Y-Brush

Some people report having a toothache when they eat something sweet. The discomfort is caused by dental hypersensitivity, one of the most common oral health problems. The condition is usually associated with the consumption of hot or cold foods, however, in some cases, sugar can also be the cause of the discomfort.

When this occurs, it is ideal to seek a dentist to identify the reason for the pain. Usually, increased sensitivity is related to gum recession and wear on the protective enamel of the tooth. Be sure to seek professional help at any sign of toothache after eating sweets. The hypersensitivity of your teeth is not always related to tooth decay.         

In this article, we're going to help you discover the main causes of tooth hypersensitivity and how to relieve toothache after eating sweets.

Here is the guide to understanding how to deal with your sugar sensitive teeth without tooth decays.

The effect of sugar on teeth can cause enamel damage and tooth sensitivity

Excessive consumption of sugary foods is one of the main causes of dental hypersensitivity. Teeth in contact with sugar can cause wear of the protective enamel, a tissue that acts as a barrier against dentin and nerves. Also known as acid tooth erosion, this phenomenon causes tooth pain because it makes them more susceptible to infection and sensitivity.

Another factor responsible for dentine hypersensitivity is gum recession. This occurs when there is a decrease in gum tissue, leaving the root of the tooth more exposed. As a result, they become more reactive to thermal, chemical and tactile stimuli. This is why a person with tooth sensitivity tends to feel pain when eating hot, cold or sweet foods. Since sugar is a type of fermentable carbohydrate, when chewed, it increases the production of organic acids. This chemical reaction when in contact with more sensitized teeth causes pain or tightness when eating sweets.

How to relieve the pain of tooth sensitivity

The first step in knowing how to stop toothache is to consult a dentist. Only a professional will know the appropriate treatment for tooth sensitivity. He or she may prescribe a specific toothpaste or dental treatment, especially when the condition is advanced. Therefore, be sure to visit a dental office as soon as you notice the discomfort with any food.

Another way to stop the pain of tooth sensitivity is to reinforce daily care. Make sure you do a good daily cleaning, with a soft bristle brush and without too much force. Rough movements when toothbrushing also lead to enamel wear and gum damage.

Finally, avoid excessive sugary foods and drinks. The same goes for acidic and preservative foods. These ingredients are corrosive to enamel and can cause color changes, cavities, weakened structure and increased sensitivity. 

You can brush your teeth gently with the Y-Brush toothbrush. It is a toothbrush that has several modes of sonic vibrations and brushing time for automation of the gesture and duration of brushing. The mode of vibration chosen depends on the dental sensitivity of each or the need for toothbrushing.  

We hope this guide has helped you understand that sugar on your teeth causes enamel damage and tooth sensitivity. We also hope that you will use the proper treatment, clean your teeth and eat only foods and drinks that are not acidic. If you notice that your teeth become very sensitive to sugar, do not hesitate to consult a dentist immediately.  


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