Betadine mouthwash: how does it work?

Bain de bouche à la bétadine : comment ça marche ? - Y-Brush

If you're here, it's because you're looking for a medicine that will help you relieve and treat your oral pain in the gums and teeth. We have the solution for you: betadine mouthwash. The antiseptic, protective and purifying properties of this mouthwash perfectly complement those of toothpaste. You can try gargling with this mouthwash to keep your mouth healthy and fresh.  

Here is a guide to understanding how a mouthwash works so you know how to use it and the main precautions to take for safe use. 

What is a betadine mouthwash ? 

1 ) The composition of this mouthwash

Green Betadine is a mouthwash solution containing 10% povidone-iodine. It is an antiseptic mouthwash that is sold without prescription. It is composed of 6 ingredients with different properties.

Here are the various ingredients that make it up:

  • Glycerol : 85% : This is a humectant. It makes the products creamy and prevents them from drying out
  • Mint essential oil : rich in anti-inflammatory//anti-catarrhal, mucolytic, clears the respiratory tract// digestive tonic// promotes skin healing
  • Alcohol : It is generally used as an excipient which facilitates the bioavailability of the active ingredients and the solubilisation of the ingredients
  • Sodium saccharin : has a sweetening power approximately 300 to 500 times greater than that of sucrose
  • Sodium hydroxide : It regulates the acidity of the mouthwash
  • Purified water : Water that contains no impurities because it has been cleaned of all pollutants

2 ) The main characteristics of this product

This type of mouthwash is generally sold in 125 ml format in pharmacies and supermarkets. The selling price is between 3.95 euros and 7.80 euros. It is only 65% reimbursed.

3) Its main objectives

It is an antiseptic solution that is used as an additional local treatment for infections in the oral cavity. It is a perfect complement to tooth brushing, which is sometimes ineffective. It can be used to treat certain oral diseases such as the appearance of cavities, breath problems or gingivitis. In addition, it also helps to combat the formation of dental plaque. In addition, it can be used to treat pain following dental or gum surgery.

When to use betadine mouthwash

Betadine mouthwash is only useful if you have particular oral problems. It will allow you to obtain rapid results in just a few days.

Here are the situations in which you can use a mouthwash:

  • For therapeutic use as a complement to the treatment of periodontal disease: under prescription by the dentist
  • Following surgery or tooth extraction
  • In the case of pain due to swollen gums
  • To accelerate the healing of mouth ulcers
  • As an additional local treatment for infections of the oral cavity and for post-operative care in stomatology.

How to use your betadine mouthwash

1) Useful advice before using mouthwash

In a few words, making a mouthwash consists in keeping the betadine mouthwash solution in your mouth. The longer you keep it in your mouth, the more effective it will be in combating microbes and your oral problems. It will also keep your breath fresh.

Here are a few tips to follow first:

  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist about any other medicines you are taking: avoid any particularly dangerous drug interactions
  • Do not use mouthwash directly after a dental extraction or oral surgery: there is a risk of bleeding teeth and gums
  • Always follow the prescribed duration of treatment and dosage
  • Do not allow the liquid to come into contact with the eyes
  • Supervise your children when using the mouthwash

2 ) How to use the mouthwash

To make good use of your mouthwash, you need to know how to use and store it. If you don't take into account the most important ways of using it, you won't have healthy teeth and gums.

Here are some of the ways to use it:

  • You must use it after brushing your teeth
  • You must dilute 1 to 2 teaspoons of Green Betadine in a glass of warm water and make a mouthwash.
  • You can carry out this treatment within 5 days. If your symptoms persist after 5 days: it is important to consult a doctor or a dentist.
  • You cannot use it at the same time as another antiseptic mouthwash.
  • You can keep the bottle for 6 months after opening.

    3) Frequency of use

This betadine mouthwash is alcohol-based. It is therefore recommended to use it every fortnight. It is important to know that you can repeat this operation up to 4 times a day. However, it is particularly advisable to consult the product's instructions for use. If you have any doubts, you should not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.

To use this mouthwash properly, you should first brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush such as the Y-Brush Toothbrush. Indeed, it removes 15% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush, which makes it more effective. 


Things to consider before using this mouthwash

1 ) Precautions

It is particularly recommended not to use this medicine for more than 5 days. Indeed, it may modify the natural microbial balance of the mouth. It is therefore necessary to pay particular attention to the recommended dosage and duration of treatment. Too much of it will disturb the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. If the symptoms persist for more than 5 days or if there is a fever, you should consult a doctor or a dental specialist. It is also important to know that this antiseptic solution is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

2) Undesirable effects

Using this mouthwash for too long causes an imbalance in the bacterial flora present in the mouth and implies a high risk of developing oral thrush. In addition, too strong an overdose or repeated administration of this antiseptic solution irritates the mucous membranes or causes eczema. It can also cause allergic reactions such as urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock and anaphylactoid reaction. It also causes agitation and mental confusion in the elderly.

3) Contraindications

You should not use this betadine if you are allergic to any of its components, such as iodine. For the same reason, it is not recommended for use in the second half of pregnancy. In addition, the mint flavour of this green betadine contains terpene derivatives: it is therefore important to seek medical advice if you have a history of epilepsy or convulsions. Furthermore, it is particularly not recommended for premature newborns or infants under one month old, and also in the case of breast-feeding in the event of prolonged treatment.

We hope that this guide has helped you to understand when it is useful for you to use betadine mouthwash. You will now be able to assess whether it is necessary for you to use this type of mouthwash. All the advice we have given you will enable you to use it in the best possible way to avoid side effects. You will be able to regain good oral health. However, if you experience the side effects we have explained, it is important to consult your dentist or GP. There are also other methods of mouthwash: hydrogen peroxide, natural mouthwash or medical mouthwash.


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