How to get rid of tooth decay in early childhood ?

Comment venir à bout de la petite carie ? - Y-Brush

Tooth brushing and oral hygiene is a little more complex for a child than for an adult. The reason? Children eat more sugary foods, while the first teeth are much more fragile. How will children's dental treatment and care react? Because milk tooth enamel is more fragile, it is necessary to use a toothpaste that is adapted to the child's oral health. As tooth decay in early childhood is by no mean trivial,use a toothpaste for small tooth decay to relieve nerve tooth decay and allow your little one to smile again. 

Here's a guide on how to deal with small cavities so that your child can maintain good oral hygiene.

What is early childhood caries?

Early childhood caries is actually an aggressive infection of the primary teeth of children. It appears in children at a very early age. It quickly grows to the point where it affects the whole of the child's dentition. At the very beginning, carious lesions are not necessarily visible. They are white spots or lines located towards the gums. They are mostly present on the tongue side. It is often easier to see a small cavity when there is a cavity and a change in the colour of the teeth to brown or black.

What causes small cavities?

Bacteria naturally accumulate in your child's mouth. They form a sticky substance: dental plaque. This plaque covers the teeth and produces acid when it comes into contact with food. This acid attacks the enamel of the teeth, which encourages the development of small cavities. Two factors are responsible for small cavities: diet and poor oral hygiene.

The first factor is: diet

Children eat a lot more cariogenic foods such as the sugars or acids that make up soft drinks. However, parents sometimes forget that milk teeth are more fragile than permanent teeth. Caries therefore develops much more easily in them. This food factor facilitates the demineralisation of the enamel. This is the first stage of tooth decay.

The second factor is: poor oral hygiene

Indeed, as far as poor oral hygiene is concerned, we can say that it involves several things: not brushing your teeth regularly enough, not using fluoridated products such as toothpaste and mouthwash, but also not drinking fluoridated water when possible. Good brushing technique is also important for good oral hygiene.

Symptoms of small cavities

1 - Tooth sensitivity to sugar

You can detect your child's tooth decay by observing their reaction to the sweet foods they eat. Indeed, eating sweet foods can have the effect of waking him up during the night. They will experience powerful tooth sensitivity when they eat hot and cold foods.

2 - The appearance of stains on the teeth

Coloured stains may appear on your teeth, which shows the advanced nature of the tooth decay.

-The white stain: indicates that the cavity is in the early stages of development.

-Yellowish stain: indicates that the decay is in the growth phase.

-Brown stain: indicates that the cavity is in an inactive phase.

3 - The appearance of holes in the teeth

A cavity is characterised by the destruction of the dental enamel. As the decay progresses, holes appear. This is the visual symptom that allows us to detect an advanced stage of decay. A specific examination allows the dentist to detect tooth decay. However, if you can easily see the hole, it is definitely tooth decay.

Good dental hygiene to treat tooth decay

To avoid cavities in children, here are the basics according to an oral hygienist: Having impeccable dental hygiene prevents the erosion of the enamel on the tips of children's teeth. Taking care of your teeth is therefore an obligation for the proper mineralisation of your teeth. Teeth and gums must be considered during the treatment of caries, because nothing is brushed after every meal, but this is not necessarily enough to prevent caries and tooth sensitivity. Plaque formation, gum disease and tooth hypersensitivity are usually caused by food debris that is resistant to tooth brushing. Regular brushing is therefore effective, but not 100%: it is also necessary to clean the spaces between the teeth with an interdental brush and to brush against food residues with a product for small cavities.

To brush your teeth properly before using interdental brushes, you can use the Y-Brush toothbrush. Indeed, it simplifies the brushing of all the faces simultaneously thanks to the filaments which have the good inclination what automates the gesture to be made. It is therefore the best way to reduce the dental plaque which is at the origin of caries.

The use of small caries to treat cavities and protect teeth

A child's toothache is often the end of the world. Don't skip a visit to the dentist and use the small cavity toothpaste recommended by dentists for the dental health of the little ones. Tooth decay pain in children can have a major impact on them. It's best to prevent a child's dental problems and keep their teeth healthy by teaching them good habits and using small cavity mouthwash, toothpaste and other products. In this way, you can prevent the demineralisation of teeth and effectively prevent cavities and keep teeth healthy. Small caries can also be used for a curative effect and against bad breath: Talk to your dentist. Children's oral cavity is still very fragile, so they need suitable oral care and a fluoride toothpaste that is gentle on them. They are also advised to rinse their mouths with a small cavity product that is effective against cavities and dental problems. Be careful with the oral hygiene of toddlers. They tend to clean only the surface of the tooth, without thinking about the inside and sides. For their young age, they need soft-bristled brushes and toothpastes, as well as antiseptic "small cavity" mouthwashes.

We hope that this guide has helped you to understand that caring for your child's oral health means taking a number of things into account. Taking into account the causes and symptoms will help you to know when to start treatment for small cavities. 


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