Which dental material in case of oral problems?

Quel matériel dentaire en cas de problème bucco-dentaire ? - Y-Brush

Many people forget that our mouth is an integral part of our body, our oral health being closely linked to our general health. In this sense, a healthy oral hygiene is not only the pillar of a dream smile, but also a weapon of defense against many diseases that can affect our whole body.

Here is a guide that will help you understand which dental material is appropriate for your oral health problems.

The different oral problems to be treated with adapted material

  • Loose teeth : Tooth loosening is a sign of poor attachment of the tooth to the jaw, due to bone loss along the root, accompanied by gum recession.
  • Tooth decay: Tooth decay is the progressive destruction of the tooth by bacteria. These germs multiply in the dental plaque and demineralize the enamel and dentin.

  • Gingivitis: is the inflammation of the gums, periodontitis that of the tissues that attach the tooth to the jaw. Both are caused by poor oral hygiene which promotes the formation of plaque and tartar on the teeth.
  • MIH or Incisal Molar Hypomineralization: It is a defect of mineralization of the enamel of the teeth. This tooth anomaly can affect children from the age of 6 years, period during which the permanent teeth grow. Stains appear on the affected teeth.
  • Toothache or dental pulpitis: It is a diffuse and intense pain that we feel when the nerve of the tooth is exposed. The cause is often a cavity that is not treated in time and that reaches the pulp of the tooth, but it can have other causes. The dentist has no other choice than to devitalize the tooth.
  • Dental abscess: It is an accumulation of pus linked to a bacterial infection in a tooth or gum. It causes severe pain and may be accompanied by other local or general symptoms.
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding: Bruxism is defined as the involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth. It is a disorder that both adults and children may unconsciously suffer from. The severity and extent of bruxism can vary over the course of a lifetime.

The equipment for a good brushing of the teeth

  • An electric toothbrush: The oscillating and rotating movements of the electric toothbrush are better adapted to the morphology of the dentition, and allow you to clean the nooks and crannies that are not easily accessible with a manual brush.
  • Fluoride toothpaste: It helps strengthen your tooth enamel, which helps prevent cavities. Fluoride can also help repair teeth that have suffered from minor decalcification (the first step in cracking the tooth surface).
  • Flossing: Flossing mechanically removes dental deposits and some associated bacteria, limiting the development of pathologies such as cavities.
  • Mouthwash: Mouthwash consists of keeping a product pure or diluted in water in your mouth. This liquid is either an antiseptic and anti-infectious medication or a non-medicated solution that helps freshen breath or prevent cavities.   
  • Interdental brushes: They will allow you to effectively clean the interdental spaces that a normal toothbrush cannot reach. It is a way to keep your gums perfectly healthy and prevent cavities and bad breath. The cleaning is done without attacking your teeth and gums.  

Orthodontic appliances

The different types of orthodontic appliances

Metal braces

Metal braces put gentle pressure on your teeth to change their position slightly over time. Your dentist will attach the braces to your teeth, then connect them with special wires that are tightened every 4 to 6 weeks, over a period of one to two years to put your teeth back in their proper place.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are recommended for patients who want perfectly invisible orthodontic treatment. It works in the same way as braces, but it is placed on the inside of the teeth. It offers the possibility of performing tooth whitening at the same time as orthodontics.

Jaw growth activator

A growth activator is a dental appliance that is used when your child has a gap between the upper and lower jaw. It will stimulate the growth of the mandible, in other words the lower jaw. It is a removable appliance that children must wear several hours a day in order to have a lower jaw that is in good shape.

The false palate

It consists of a pink resin plate that rests against the roof of the mouth and a wire that helps move the teeth gradually. It is a solution primarily intended for young children. They are indicated to allow their permanent teeth to have enough space when they come out. It allows them to have a healthy dentition.

Brushing your teeth with braces

It is very important to brush your teeth and gums after every meal. If you only need to brush once a day, you should do it in the evening, before going to bed.

Here's how to brush your teeth with braces:

  • Toothpaste should only be used once or twice a day. The other times, cleaning with the brush alone is sufficient.
  • Flossing is necessary once a day, preferably in the evening.
  • If you can't brush your teeth after a meal, be sure to rinse your mouth with water. It is very convenient to carry a travel size toothbrush and toothpaste with you at all times.

You can use the Y-Brush toothbrush which is a toothbrush with long, fine bristles that takes care of your teeth and gums. It takes into account your dental sensitivity. 

Orthodontic trays

The different types of orthodontic trays

Occlusal trays

They have a medical function. Their objective is to treat jaw problems and temporomandibular joint disorders. They are worn in particular by patients who suffer from bruxism.

Dental alignment trays

These aligners are used to straighten teeth and offer a completely invisible treatment. They are removable dental appliances that can be changed every 7 to 15 days, depending on each case, until a more aligned smile is obtained.

Fluoridation trays

Fluoride trays are prescribed to patients who are treated with radiation therapy on the face. Radiation therapy damages the salivary glands and makes the oral environment more conducive to the development of cavities.

Sports mouth trays

This type of trays is used in sports that are risky for the jaw and teeth, such as rugby, soccer, field hockey, basketball and all combat sports. They are worn during sports sessions and help protect the teeth in case of impact.  

Brushing teeth with orthodontic aligners?

The aligners we offer are worn throughout the day and are removed at mealtime and when brushing your teeth. Since they are removable, they can be taken out for important events if you feel more comfortable. They should be worn at least 22 hours a day to ensure optimal results.

We hope that this guide has helped you understand the different oral problems that can be treated with the right material. The material we have recommended for good tooth brushing is the one you should use in all cases no matter what oral problem you have. It is important to know the different orthodontic appliances and trays to know which ones could be recommended to you by the dentist depending on your oral problem.


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