Dental plaque: What is it?

La plaque dentaire : Qu'est-ce-que c'est ? - Y-Brush

The immune system is alerted by the bacteria of the dental plaque present in significant numbers. It can react by causing an inflammation of the gums. The patient then suffers from gingivitis, an inflammation that can lead to the assumption that there is an infection in the periodontium: this is periodontitis. When not properly treated, it can lead to tooth loosening and loss. 

Here is a guide that will help you learn more about plaque.

What is dental plaque?

Dental Plaque is the main cause of cavities. It is also what forms tartar when it calcifies. It is a particularly sticky coating of white color which is deposited on the surface of teeth and gums. It is essentially made up of bacteria. This substance accumulates on the teeth. It can easily be avoided and eliminated if you brush your teeth regularly.

The consequences of the presence of dental plaque

After a more or less long maturation phase, the bacterial plaque calcifies and becomes what is called tartar. It is this tartar that causes gingival inflammation which, if left untreated, can lead to various periodontal pathologies, such as

  • Gingival recession or loosening of the teeth: it is a loss of gum around the tooth that leads to the exposure of the root of the tooth.
  • Bone loss in the jaw: it can be due to an infection in the jaw, a dental infection or a dental fracture.
  • Periodontal abscesses: this is an infection in the periodontal tissues such as the gum or the alveolar bone. It is an acute exacerbation of the chronic inflammation of a periodontal pocket.
  • Tooth mobility: When tooth mobility becomes visible, it means that a major dental problem exists and must be treated as soon as possible.

Techniques to remove dental plaque from your teeth

1) Brushing properly to remove plaque

Here are the different steps of good brushing to eliminate dental plaque:

  • First of all, you must locate the plaque with the help of a dye: For this, it is important to choose a plaque developer in the form of a lozenge. You have to chew the tablets which will stain the plaque on your teeth a bright red. This will allow you to examine your teeth much more easily and identify the areas you need to target with your toothbrush when brushing.
  • Next, you need to use the right toothbrush and toothpaste: Your toothbrush should be a nylon brush with soft, especially fine bristles. Toothbrushes with hard bristles can be too abrasive and wear down your tooth enamel. When it comes to toothpaste, you can use a fluoride toothpaste that strengthens teeth and protects against cavities.
  • You must have the right technique for brushing your teeth. When you brush your teeth, you should hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gum line and brush in the opposite direction. You should make small vertical or circular movements without rubbing too hard, as this can damage the enamel of your teeth. You should rub all the teeth but also the tongue. 

2) Maintain good oral hygiene

  • You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Proper and regular brushing helps to limit the accumulation of plaque over time. This prevents plaque from calcifying into tartar and becoming difficult to remove. The brushings to remember are the morning and evening ones. Especially in the evening because bacteria are active at that time.
  • You must use dental floss to clean between your teeth. It removes bacteria and food particles from between your teeth to prevent plaque from forming. This should be done once a day, at bedtime, before brushing your teeth. Remember to use a gentle sawing motion and avoid inserting the floss too quickly as this can irritate the delicate gum tissue.
  • You should choose a mouthwash that will target plaque. In fact, mouthwashes designed to fight plaque used as part of a regular teeth cleaning that employs brushing and flossing can help reduce plaque because it gives you fresh mint breath at the same time. 

3)Use effective home remedies

You can take baking soda. It is one of the most effective remedies to remove plaque. The principle is simple: just put a pinch of baking soda in a bowl and wet your toothbrush. You then dip the bristles in the baking soda to cover them. You can then brush your teeth as usual by adding a pinch of salt.
You can chew a teaspoon of sesame seeds for a few minutes without swallowing. You can then take a dry toothbrush and brush your teeth using the sesame seeds as toothpaste. This will help you remove plaque and polish your teeth at the same time so that it can gain whiteness.
You can apply tomato and strawberry on your teeth. Indeed, tomatoes and strawberries, like oranges, are rich in vitamin C. So cut them up and rub the juice on the surface of your teeth, leaving it on for about five minutes. You can then rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda dissolved in water.

To remove much of the plaque on your teeth, it is recommended to use the Y-Brush sonic toothbrush. It is a toothbrush that can remove 15% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush. 

The role of the dentist in dental plaque removal 


Scaling consists of removing dental plaque by removing the tartar stuck to the root. This is the part of the tooth that is under the gum and the crown. It is therefore the part of the tooth that we see the most. At the same time, it allows us to eliminate the bacterial biofilm that has calcified with time and saliva. This will allow to control the absence of gum inflation which is the cause of tooth loosening. But what controls the absence of gum inflammation is the quality of brushing.   

There are two types of scaling:

  • Preventive scaling: it is recommended once a year at a dentist. You do not need anesthesia.
  • Sub-gingival scaling: It is reserved for patients suffering from periodontitis and is performed under local anesthesia.

We hope this guide has helped you understand what plaque is and the consequences of its presence. It is important to understand that the techniques listed are ranked from most important to least important. Scaling is the only way to remove all plaque from your teeth.


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