Which mouthwash for white tongue ?

Quel bain de bouche pour la langue blanche ? - Y-Brush

If you are here, it is because you have discovered that your normally perfectly pink tongue has become covered with an abnormally whitish deposit which gives you the sensation of having a dry mouth. Depending on the cause, it can have different aspects: spots or a pasty appearance. Moreover, it is often accompanied by various symptoms such as a strong pain in the tongue, inflammation, discomfort when swallowing or a high fever. You are therefore trying to find out which mouthwash will be the most suitable to solve your white tongue problem. 

Here is a guide that will explain to you which mouthwash to choose when you have a white tongue.

The main causes of a white tongue

The tongue looks very different depending on the cause of the whiteness of your tongue. Indeed, the whitish deposit can be more or less thick. It can cover the whole tongue or appear only on localized areas. It is important to consult your doctor because it is the whole of your symptoms which will make it possible to know what is the cause of your white tongue.

The main causes of white tongue are :  

  • An infection: it is caused by a fungus after a treatment with antibiotics. Indeed, the bacteria unbalance the digestive flora and allow certain fungi to develop in large quantities in the mouth and digestive tract.
  • Canker sores: they occur after a burn caused by a drink or hot food or a toothache that occurs after the installation of a crown or a dental appliance. They are often accompanied by the appearance of a white tongue.
  • Gastric reflux: This is one of the most common causes of white tongue. Indeed, the acidity of the stomach rises towards the esophagus which creates a permanent irritation at the level of the digestive tract and the mouth.
  • Constipation: The stagnation of stools in the colon unbalances the intestinal flora and in the long run the flora of the whole digestive tract and the mouth;
  • Tobacco, stress and certain medications: These factors modify the quantity of saliva and its quality which causes a drying of your throat. This is also one of the consequences of a congested liver or cancer.
  • Eczema or psoriasis: These are allergies that cause white tongue.

The different home-made mouthwashes to relieve white tongue

Mouthwash with baking soda and lemon

One of the most popular remedies for white tongue is to use baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is an exfoliant that neutralizes the pH of your mouth to fight white tongue. It is combined with lemon to allow your tongue to heal properly.

The recipe for this mouthwash is as follows:

  • Simply mix a teaspoon of white powder in half a glass of room temperature water.
  • You must then add the juice of a lemon
  • You can add a pinch of salt to your preparation
  • Gargle for about ten seconds and then spit out or swallow the mixture
  • Use this mouthwash only once a day

Mouthwash with organic sesame oil or "gandush

This technique comes from Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine. The organic sesame oil allows to clean the mouth by eliminating toxins and other bacteria and to reactivate the circulation of the meridians. It is carried out in the morning, after brushing the teeth, with this antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal oil.

The recipe for this mouthwash is as follows:

  • Take a tablespoon of organic sesame oil in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Circulate it from one cheek to the other,
  • Then circulate it between your teeth...
  • Spit the oil in a trash can or in the toilet (so as not to clog the pipes).
  • If necessary, rinse your mouth with warm water

Mouthwash with salt and warm water

Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water allows, thanks to its antibacterial action, to get rid of the toxins that proliferate. Used once or twice a day as a mouthwash, salt water helps to fight against inflammation, gum problems and white tongue because it regulates the balance of the oral flora.

The recipe for this mouthwash is as follows:

  • To prepare a salt solution, dissolve between a quarter and a half teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water.
  • For best results, keep the mouthwash or saline solution in your mouth
  • Rinse your mouth for 2 minutes.
  • Then tilt your head back and gargle for 1 minute.
  • Then spit it out without swallowing. This will help kill bacteria that may be growing further down your
  • throat and that you can't reach by brushing your tongue.

Mouthwash with coconut oil

  • Take a spoonful of oil and use it as a mouthwash for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Throw the oil in a bowl as it solidifies with cold
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water if you have an unpleasant greasy feeling
  • You can even add baking soda on the spoon
  • This mouthwash should preferably be used in the morning on an empty stomach

The various mouthwashes sold in the trade to treat white tongue

The Aesop mouthwash

It is a mouthwash sold for 19 euros on the official Aesop website. It is a mouthwash with Clove, Anise and Mint Leaf. Its formula without alcohol allows to refresh your breath and assures you an impeccable oral hygiene without modifying the natural pH of your mouth. It does not disturb the production of saliva.

Colgate plax mouthwash

It is a mouthwash sold for 4.99 euros on the Monoprix Plus website. It eliminates the bacteria that remain after brushing. To give you complete protection in all areas of your mouth, even those that are difficult to reach. Use twice a day after brushing for a healthy mouth and fresher breath.

Botot Cinnamon Clove Mint mouthwash

It is a mouthwash sold at the price of 7,80 euros on the site PharmaShop. This mouthwash is both cleansing and purifying. It will bring a complete cleaning of the mouth and the tongue thanks to its extracts of natural assets: cinnamon, the clove and the mint. The bacteria related to a bad oral hygiene are neutralized.

Listerine Total Care mouthwash

It is a mouthwash sold at the price of 4 euros on the site easypara. It is a daily mouthwash with clinically proven effectiveness. It is used in addition to brushing, it eliminates up to 99% of the bacteria of the dental plaque at the origin of the white tongue and acts in the places which the brush cannot reach.

Before using a mouthwash recommended by your doctor for the treatment of white tongue, you can use a toothpaste Y-Brush with fluoride. This toothpaste has a fluoride content of 1450 ppm, which is the ideal dosage to act against the bacteria that cause dental plaque and to give you fresh breath in all circumstances.

We hope this guide has helped you understand why you have white tongue. We hope you have understood what mouthwashes you can use to relieve the pain of white tongue based on your preferences and allergies. We also hope that you have understood what mouthwashes you can ask your doctor to prescribe to treat this white tongue problem.


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