Mouthwash against fungus: is it an effective solution?


Bain de bouche contre la mycose : est-ce une solution efficace ? - Y-Brush

Oral thrush is a little-known infection of the mouth that can cause some discomfort. It is caused by a fungus called candida albicans that is naturally present in the body. It is one of the bacteria that naturally provides oral protection.

Faced with various factors, this bacteria can develop and lead to an oral disease that must be treated as soon as possible. A visit to the dentist will be necessary to restore good oral hygiene. Whether it is a mouthwash or a medicated treatment, there is no lack of solutions to treat this disease.

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Here is a guide that will help you know if mouthwash against fungus is a good solution or not. 

How do you know if you have oral thrush?

The first step in treating oral thrush is to recognize the condition. Several symptoms are indicative of this infection and allow you to go to a specialist. Do you have a feeling of dry mouth or burning inside your mouth? You may be experiencing symptoms of oral thrush. In fact, there are several types of oral thrush that can develop at the same time.

Thrush is the first type of oral thrush that is most often observed. In this case, we notice a whitish coating that causes pimples and then develops plaques inside the mouth and on the tongue. This type of oral thrush also causes severe burning sensations in the mouth. It also causes difficulty swallowing, loss of taste and sometimes even bleeding when scratching.

This form of oral thrush can also affect the throat and sometimes the digestive tract. Then there is a certain form of oral thrush that gives the tongue, palate and gums a red color. Dry mouth and a metallic feeling in the throat are also part of the symptoms. 

How do you develop oral thrush?

Oral thrush is caused by microscopic fungi called candida. It is in reference to these microbes that we often speak of oral candidiasis. They represent an obstacle to your full oral health. In reality, these candida are naturally present in the human body. However, oral candidiasis does not develop systematically for this reason.

We see candida develop when the immune system is weakened. It is because of this failure of the immune system that they develop in a significant way and lead to mycosis. Fungus is generally considered an infectious disease, but this is not the case with oral thrush. Unlike other types of fungus, such as vaginal fungus, it is not contagious.

How to treat oral thrush?

Are you wondering how to treat this disease to relieve the pain it causes? If you are experiencing the first symptoms of oral thrush, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. He or she will be able to determine if you really have a yeast infection and can adapt a local treatment.

In case of a recurrence, he or she can choose another treatment that will be even more effective. Before doing so, a sample may be taken for analysis to determine the exact fungus responsible for the problem. To treat oral thrush, the doctor may prescribe tablets that you can suck on several times a day. Gels to be kept in the mouth for several minutes are also proposed as treatment. These are very effective antifungal treatments for oral thrush.

Natural treatments for oral thrush

To effectively get rid of oral thrush, your doctor may recommend that you use a mouthwash. Thus, in addition to taking certain medicines you can do mouthwash. Many effective remedies are used in this sense.

Baking soda against oral thrush

Baking soda
can be used as a mouthwash several times a day to treat oral thrush. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and mix it well. This solution should be used twice a day to make a mouthwash.

Treatment of fungus with essential oils

Essential oils can also be used as a mouthwash to treat oral thrush. In this case, add two drops of essential oil in half a glass of water. You can use tea tree oil, coconut oil, peppermint and clove oil. 

After mixing the solution well, use it to rinse your mouth for a few minutes before spitting it out. Then make a new mouthwash, but this time with salt water. This recipe is very effective in controlling oral thrush.

However, the mouthwash is only effective if you have brushed your teeth with an electric toothbrush that allows you to brush all the teeth and their faces while taking care of your fragile and sensitive gums. 

In conclusion, remember that fungus is a disease of the mouth that manifests itself through various symptoms, mainly on the tongue. When it is detected, the doctor is the first person to contact to have an effective treatment against this oral candidiasis. This is just as important for your dental health as it is for your body. 


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